Sausage Roll for lunch!

I do enjoy a bite sized sausage roll however this big boy is just right for sharing at lunch time. The sausage meat combo is the same combo that i use for stuffing my turkey legs at Christmas and any left over meat always ends up in side some puff pastry! Making these us a doddle so give it a go! 

To make this sausage roll you will need 

400g Sausage Meat
1/2 Pack of stuffing mix
2 Shallots
1 Crushed garlic clove
1 Handful of chestnuts
A little tip for you! I can't stand peeling chestnuts as it takes ages and often a lot of skin is left on the nut meaning it takes even longer to sort out! I used a bag of prepared chestnuts to save me tons of time and I'm glad I did! 

Peel and finely dice the shallots and chestnuts, throw them in a frying pan and lightly fry them until the shallots have softened. Add a the garlic and cook through for a couple of minutes. 
Add the cooked items into a glass bowl with the sausage meat and the stuffing mix. Using your hands mix the ingredients together until everything is combined. Take your time with the mixing as you want an even spread through out the mixture. 
Roll the meat into a shape and size to fit your puff pastry. I didn't make the puff pastry i bought pre-rolled again to save some time! 

Once rolled out wrap the meat in cling film and pop it in the fridge. Leave it for about 1/2 an hour so it firms up slightly and then when ready take it out and place on the puff pastry. Roll the pastry around the meat and  where the pastry ends meet brush with a beaten egg so that the 2 ends stick together. Now brush the pastry all over the egg and cut a couple of holes in the pastry to let any steam out. 

No cook in the oven until the puff pastry is golden and the sausage meat is cooked. I use a thermometer to check the sausage  meat temperature and you need 160F or 72C. 
Once cut a nice slice add some salad and bingo! One easy peasy lunch! 
